Best Way To Get 6 Pack Abs Faster.


 So, six pack abs is what you

Best Way To Get 6 Pack Abs Faster.

You see,   I put together my best 13 tips, both nutrition and training to make

sure that you complete   the journey to a six pack once and for all. 

How Are Sulfur Burps Treated

Which, by the way, starts in the bathroom.   So, the first thing on the list actually has

to do with the first thing that you need to do   in the morning. And that is you need to reach for this before you reach for this to jump in the   shower.

And that's because we wake up most often in a dehydrated state. So, what I want you to do   is drink 16 to 20 ounces of water upon waking, I mean before you do anything else. You see,   it starts the habit early and you can continue this, maybe you need one of those reminder water   bottles, but water is going to be

essential because if we don't have it, every other   training tip and even every other nutrition tip in this video is going to suffer if you don't.   So now when it comes to the training side of getting six pack abs, the sequence of the exercises you perform is actually more important than the exercises

themselves. I   know that surprises you, but I want to show you how to get this right every single time. All right   focus when you're looking at ab exercises

on what's actually moving. Because these   are the same exercises, but they're

done in different orders. If I focus on what's moving,   I see the top and the bottom in that exercise. I see the top moving but the legs staying still here, and I see the legs moving and the top staying still. Well, what is the

right order?   This is not right. Because what we want to do to get the most out of your ab workout is   go this way. You want the bottom-up movements where just the legs are moving to come first   and that's because we need the most energy at the beginning of the workout to handle these   moves because we have to lift the additional weight of our legs. These are always going to   be the most difficult exercises you do. Next, we want to still focus on any exercise that's got the legs moving, but the top is moving too, you're getting that additional   in this case from the obliques so you're able to do it after you're a little bit   fatigued here. The last exercises that you put into your workout are always going to be the   ones that just move the top, because no matter what state of fatigue you're in, you're still   going to always perform these movements without compromising the overall effect of the workout.   All right so now piggyback that on top of that division half for your workout, I

got one here for   your plate too where we actually want to divide your plate.

Because if you do this nutrition   will become a lot more simple for you. If

you visualize looking down at your plate, think of   it as a clock. Right? And

if we look down at the clock, all I want you do to is focus on two times,   9:00 and 9:20. Once you do that, the rest is easy because all you do is then

portion out your plate   with different components or macronutrients. In the

largest portion here, that's where you go   with your fibrous carbohydrates,

right? You're leafy vegetables, your green vegetables, the   things that

crunch. I have a whole list of them for you on our website, I'll link it down

in the   description below. Second you then fill up that portion of the plate,

the second largest portion,   with protein. And again, it doesn't matter if

you're following a vegan diet or you're   a meat eater, your proteins go here

in this proportion. And then you fill up the rest of   your plate with your

starchy carbohydrates, and notice I'm not avoiding them entirely,   I think

they're an important part of a healthy balanced nutrition plan, but they   do

get the smallest portion because we tend to overeat those if we're given free

reign.   And then over the top of it all is our incidental fat. Not piling it

on, but more so cooking with   it. The fact is guys, when you divide your plate

like this nutrition becomes a lot easier,   counting calories is not something

that you have to do and at the end of the day when   we get our nutrition in

check the six pack abs are a hell of a lot easier to see.   So, counting

calories isn't the only thing I hate counting, I actually think counting   reps

is one of the worst ways you can go about your ab workouts. You see what you

need to do is   you need to stop counting reps and instead make them count. And

that means trading in quantity   for quality. See, if your ab workouts look

like this, I can guarantee you're   not getting the most out of them. Speeding

through repetitions just to   reach a certain number is not going to get you

the results you want. Instead, they should look more   like this. And I know it

looks slow and I know it looks deliberate, but really what you're getting   is

a quality contraction. So, instead of counting reps, if you count the

contractions you'd actually   be on the right path. And again, it doesn't

matter how long it takes you, as long as you accumulate   good repetitions

here, what looks like it's slow is actually the fastest way to see abs.   Now

let's take that a step further now and see how we can apply that specifically

to some of your lower ab exercises. And see if you want to get more quality,

then you've got to focus   on doing things like this, and that is what are you

actually trying to move? If you want to get   the most out of your lower ab

movements, it's the pelvis that matters the most.   Is the pelvis moving

through space? If it's not, then you're not flexing your   spine and you're not

working your abs to their fullest extent. That's the first thing.   The second

thing is, is there something we can do to recruit lower abdominal muscle fibers

better?   Yes, we can do it by contracting your adductors. If your ab movements

allow it you would actually   squeeze your knees together or cross your feet

over like this and then perform your ab movement.   The additional stability

that comes from the adductors on to the pelvis gives you more leverage   to let

those fibers do a better job of pulling. You'll feel the difference

immediately, so give   it a try and I promise that quality of every repetition

is going to go through the roof.   Just like those bottom-up movements, we

actually have an opportunity to do two things   to dramatically reduce the

quality of all of our tap down movements. The first one is, again,   the thing

that's moving. Here, we're not looking at just bending our neck and grabbing on

for dear   life, we're trying to actually get our shoulder blades off of the

ground. So, just like the pelvis   is driving those lower ab movements,

shoulder blades getting off the ground will drive proper   top-down movements.

And there's another thing we can do here to enhance the contraction and quality

of every repetition and I call it the folding ribcage. You see if I were to

draw an imaginary   line right here under my ribcage and then just focus on

just trying to fold my body in half upon   that line you will feel a much

better contraction on every single one of your top-down movements. No   matter

what crunch variation you're performing, if you focus on folding right there,

the quality   will increase dramatically in the long run. So, one of the

techniques I like to tell people   when it comes to creating an overall benefit

in terms of fat loss, is to seek out the   opportunities where you can sort of

just sneak in the things that have a marginal impact their own,   but together

can actually make a difference. And that's where I reach for three things that

I just   use every single day, and that's Green Tea in the form of a supplement

- green tea extract, Red   Pepper Flakes which I put on my dinner at night

which I shared in my full Day of Eating video.   And I also shared Cinnamon,

how I like to use a large amount of it every single morning in   my oatmeal.

Whether it be through increased insulin sensitivity, decreasing your appetite

or just by increasing your metabolism each of these act in their own way, but

the big thing   is they're very simple to add at very little extra cost to you

in terms of effort level.   The next step is actually something I shared in a

recent video of mine because it's something that   I have adopted into my own

nutrition plan in just the last year, and that is the addition of Ginger

every single day. You see Ginger has the ability to help our fat loss efforts

by decreasing our   insulin sensitivity. It also has an effect on our training

because it decreases muscle soreness. So,   if you're embarking on your journey

to a six pack, but each workout leaves you too sore   to get much out of the

next one, then this is where this can have an impact in both ways.   All I do

is just simply reach for a pinch of pickled ginger just like this every single

morning. It's the consistency you're going for here and remember it's these

small things that   add up when we're trying to have an impact on our nutrition

and we know that nutrition holds the key   to seeing those six pack abs

ultimately. So, the kitchen isn't the only place that   the little things

matter. Jesse actually tells me that they matter   in the bedroom too. Wait,

what? Well, that's where I do my ab work.   Of course. So, when we're talking

about ab exercises, the little things are how you breath.   Because on every

repetition of every exercise you do, you should be breathing. But are you doing

it   right? Well, here's what you want to do. As you do a typical crunch, yes

you want to exhale,   but you don't want to actually push your stomach out as

you do it. A lot of people confuse the   exhale with the pushing of the

stomach. You actually want to do the direct opposite,   blow air while pulling

your stomach down. And we call this cinching. You want to cinch your stomach

down to activate the Transverse Abdominis. And without this activation, yes you

might wind up   with a six pack, but it's going to look bloated and distended.

Remember, the little things count   everywhere, right Jesse? Yeah, something

like that.   So, if you've been waiting for the real secret tip, here it is.

You've got to have whipped cream   and frozen yogurt every single night. Okay,

maybe not exactly whipped cream and frozen yogurt. Guys,   the point is, this

is something that I actually do and I shared that again in my Day of Eating

video,   because I need something to make the process enjoyable.   But if you

hate the process, then you're not going to get to where you want to be.

Ultimately, if getting six pack is torture, you're going to stop before you

every do.   Now, am I saying having a hot fudge sundae with Double Stuf Oreos

on top? No, I'm saying choose   something a little more responsible, a

healthier option that still satisfies that cheat seeking   impulse you have

that's going to keep you on track, but at the same time keep you sane.

Speaking of sanity, one of the fastest ways to become frustrated is to actually

have a set of six   pack abs but actually not like the way they look because

something's missing. I can tell you what's   missing, most often it's the

crooked muscles that you didn't pay any attention to, and that is the

Serratus and the Obliques. Because much like a good picture, the frame is going

to focus your eye   on the masterpiece that you created. If you don't have a

frame it just doesn't look right.   So, while there's a million different

exercises you can do to train your Obliques and Serratus,   this one is

particular gets it done in one move and it's called the Corkscrew. And the goal

is simple is to twist as you come up and press down through your hands, getting

that protraction   for the Serratus and getting the twisting for the Obliques.

Regardless of what exercises you choose,   remember the framing is as important

as the picture itself. And now that you know it,   remember not to forget it.

So, if the Serratus and the   Obliques can taper your eyes and make them focus

more towards the midline,   a pyramid will tend to focus your eyes up towards

the top. But if you're putting all of your focus   up towards the top of this

pyramid, then that's what's actually causing a problem for you to get   your

six pack. Because cardio is not the basis in the foundation of getting six pack

abs and neither   is ab training. And a lot of people think that that is the

foundation. But we know, that as we've   covered here already in this video,

nutrition has to be the foundation of everything you do.   If this isn't in

place, the saying goes, you can't out train a bad diet. No matter   what you do

up here in terms of working out, it's never going to undo what you're doing

wrong down here in the nutrition. Hey Jeff, you got any snacks for me?   Uh,

I've got an apple in the fridge. No, dude way too much sugar.  Grapes? Dude,

even more sugar.  You want a carrot? Ah, figures. Might as   well be a candy

cane. You got any jerky for me or something, I mean come on.   Jerky. Fucking

jerky you. And finally, though extremely important, extreme   nutrition tactics

are not necessary and never will be when it comes to getting abs. Avoiding

apples,   grapes and carrots because you think that's what's standing between

you and a six pack,   is sort of like the same mentality of thinking that

throwing a deck chair off of the Titanic   was going to save it from sinking.

It's the bigger picture items that maybe we're   not necessarily ready to come

face-to-face with or change, that often times are really standing   in the way

and those extreme tactics are never necessary, it's just what we use to

distract   ourselves. But now we have an actual list here where we can start to

adopt even a few of these   to set us on the right path to getting those six

pack abs once and for all.   So, if these 13 tips have you excited to start

your journey to six pack abs, but you're looking   for more, I've got a 22-day

ab workout that you're going to want to follow along with me here.   Or, my

complete Day of Eating video that I referenced a few times in this video that

you're going to want to check out. If you're looking for step-by-step   daily

meal plans included with all of our workouts, you can find them over   at

we put one out. See you soon.

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