Treatment for sulfur burps might be pretty much as straight forward as dispensing with specific food varieties from your eating regimen or changing practices that cause you to swallow overabundance air.
Wipe out food sources and refreshments that cause a lot of gas in your body. These can shift from one individual to another, so focus on your body's reaction to specific food sources and attempt to stay away from ones that bring about incessant burping.
Practices that bring about gulping additional air ought to be dispensed with.
This incorporates:
- biting gum
- sucking on hard confections
- smoking
- eating rapidly
- eating while at the same time talking
- gorging .
Getting customary exercise might be a conduct that forestalls burping and other gastrointestinal misery.
Medications that target digestion and gas include:
- antacids, such as Pepcid AC or Tums
- enzyme lactase products
- bismuth-subsalicylate products, like Pepto-Bismol
- alpha-galactosidase products
- simethicone (Mylanta Gas, Gas-X)
- probiotics
Your PCP may verify that you need a physician endorsed medicine to calm manifestations or treat a basic condition. For instance, on the off chance that you have a bacterial disease causing sulfur burps, you might be endorsed anti-toxins.
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